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Four Lenses Training

Why Four Lenses?

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The Four Lenses is a proven personality temperament model that acts as a universal companion to any training or initiative. This foundational training helps individuals and organizations establish a common language and value system for diverse perspectives and unique talent in the workplace, in the classroom, or simply in life

The Four Lenses training helps participants learn how to:
    • Motivate reluctant people
    • Communicate with power
    • Strengthen leadership abilities
    • Reduce stress and conflict
    • Parent complicated children
    • Teach difficult learners
    • Create sensational relationships

Four Lenses Facilitator Certification

The 4 Lenses™ is a foundation to successful training interventions. Every individual has a unique spectrum of personality variables. When trainings, such as team building, are able to identify and address these differences the experience can be modified to enhance knowledge retention, increase personal awareness, and create strategies for social competence. Any successful training will consider that people are the building blocks of organizations. Training in 4 Lenses™ will help your organization identify and utilize the human factor in any training goal.

Individuals who become certified as a facilitator in 4 Lenses™ become licensed to use The 4 Lenses™ in their organization.

For additional information about certifying as a 4 Lenses trainer and to find our next in person certification, contact us at 801-572-8206.

Click here to become certified through a virtual class.

Four Lenses History

The four temperaments trace back to the Greek physician Hippocrates (460–370 BC) who discovered that each person has a unique personality spectrum or lens that reveals how individuals naturally see the world. Because our paradigms are so influential, we often struggle communicating with those who have a different perspective. By failing to truly understand those around us, surely, we are missing one of the greatest opportunities life has to offer.

The Four Lenses training will forever change the way you see the world. Participants discover unique aspects about themselves and everyone around them. After completing a personality temperament assessment, participants begin learning through online training modules, books, and participating in the online community.  Participants learn to interact with others in a powerful new way.




Green types are independent thinkers. Learn more about your color affinity by taking our assessment by clicking here



Orange types thrive on excitement. Learn more about your color affinity by taking our assessment by clicking here



Gold types are highly organized people. Learn more about your color affinity by taking our assessment by clicking here



Blue types are nurturing people. Learn more about your color affinity by taking our assessment by clicking here


Four Lenses Unfolded

The information in this book is based on the 4 Lenses Assessment™, a tool that accurately identifies an individual’s personality profile. The tool describes four archetypal temperaments from which all personality styles are derived. To help people learn and remember these temperaments, each one has been named after a color: Blue, Gold, Green, and Orange.

By reading and applying the principles from the Four Lenses Unfolded by Nathan K. Price, you will be able to:

  • Understand anyone in the world
  • Motivate reluctant people
  • Communicate with power
  • Succeed in your occupation
  • Strengthen leadership abilities
  • Reduce stress and conflict
  • Parent complicated children
  • Guide troublesome teenagers
  • Teach difficult learners
  • Create sensational relationships

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4 months ago

I am doing testing please ignore this response. Thanks!

Hamza QA
Hamza QA
Reply to  Hamza
4 months ago

hy there i am just doing testing to check the flow. Please ignore this.