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The Gold Virtues

  • Posted on Oct 21, 2024


The second volume of The Nexus Quest focuses on the 13 virtues associated with the Gold temperament. Gold is often associated with the SJ temperament, which is characterized by a practical, organized, and responsible nature. The 13 virtues associated with Gold include Assertiveness, Concern, Discipline, Honor, Justice, Moderation, Obedience, Orderliness, Persistence, Prudence, Purposefulness, Reliability, and Stability.

This volume provides readers with a comprehensive guide on how to cultivate these virtues in their lives. Each virtue is explored in detail, including its definition, its significance in our lives, and how we can practice it in our daily lives. Real-world examples of how these virtues can be applied are also provided, as well as practical exercises and tools designed to help readers develop these virtues in themselves.

As readers delve into this volume of The Nexus Quest, they’ll discover the precious value of structure, dedication and order, learning how to methodically harness the capacity to make judicious decisions and bring order to their world. With their disciplined and dutiful approach, they’ll master the art of finding practical solutions while remaining steadfastly grounded in tradition and experience. Additionally, readers will develop their self-awareness and reflection skills, cultivating a deeper appreciation of themselves and the world around them through thoughtful introspection and a commitment to personal excellence.

Each virtue contains seven, 13-minute lessons which teach the essential attitudes and behaviors of each virtue. You will find at least two learning activities that will help you practice the virtue until you have developed as much of the virtue as you want. Some people enjoy working on one lesson every day, others spend a week on each lesson, still others an entire month. The amount of time you spend practicing each virtue is entirely up to you.


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