Generations and Personalities with Dawn Jones & Cara Lane
- Posted on Aug 26, 2019
Great video to reinforce the best ways to communicate with the different personalities and generations.
Three Strategies to Share Your Successes Without “Bragging”
- Posted on Jun 21, 2019
By Margo Myers, Shipley Performance Coach Few people want to come off as a ‘braggart.’ It can alienate people around you, make you appear insecure, and prompt a lack
Customized Coaching
- Posted on Jul 2, 2018
What does a Starbucks venti one-pump caramel, one-pump white mocha, two scoops vanilla bean powder, extra ice Frappuccino with two shots (apagotto style), caramel drizzle under and on top of
Personal Brands
- Posted on Jun 8, 2018
Yes… you need a personal brand, and here’s how to define it By Margo Myers, Margo Myers Communications and Shipley Coaching Executive Coach In a recent article on
Overcome Adversity with a Principle Based Life
- Posted on Jun 2, 2018
Church can teach each of us to be virtuous. However, simply attending services or performing the work aligned with the church will not significantly improve society as a whole. Instead, only
How to Focus on Important Tasks
- Posted on May 29, 2018
Habit one: Be Proactive is about understanding that you and you alone are responsible for your life. Others may throw obstacles in your way and life certainly has challenges. How
Step 1 of Leadership: Self Management
- Posted on May 25, 2018
Like the normal laws of growth, the seven habits build on each other to create personal and interpersonal effectiveness. The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People are separated into three
How to Achieve Big Personal Goals
- Posted on May 21, 2018
Ask yourself these two questions: What one thing could you do (you aren’t doing now) that if you did on a regular basis, would make a tremendous positive difference in
What should I do with my life?
- Posted on May 17, 2018
From Lewis Carroll’s Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, comes this conversation between her and the grinning Cheshire cat: Alice: “Would you tell me, please, which way I ought to go from